Pride leads to humiliation, but humility leads to elevation

Western society praises the happily ever after tales. Whether it’s the underdog that breaks barriers, by all means necessary; or the rags to riches Cinderella stories, Western culture celebrates happy endings.
One common theme in these stories is the humility the protagonist portrays. These tales involve humble beginnings that are integral in developing the protagonist's disposition. We champion the protagonist for how they navigate their challenging circumstances.
Although the humble disposition of the protagonist can serve as a model, I’m also an advocate for cautionary tales: the stories that show us what ‘not’ to do.
In order for happily ever after stories to succeed there must be an antagonist. Antagonists take the form of the villain when they oppose the protagonist. One common character trait antagonists possess is pride. Their pride leads them to humiliation.
On the surface, pride can often be misinterpreted as confidence. However, at its core, pride is a high-level of self-regard that requires unhealthy practices to sustain. Pride looks like not accepting help despite being overwhelmed beyond measure. Pride looks like placing your self-value above others. Pride is authentic confidence and counterfeit self-assurance.
We’ve all suffered from pride, thus making humility something we have to submit to daily. Humility isn’t about not thinking of yourself. Humility is about thinking of yourself less than others. In short, humility is knowing your value in respect to others.
Words of Wisdom by Char of the Week: Here’s my cautionary tale: afterwhile, clothing myself in pride ultimately injured my self-esteem. Whereas, using my gifts to serve and taking the posture of a servant, will continue to elevate me. Proverbs 29:23