Chardonnay Beaver - Words of Wisdom
Influential Speaker, Storyteller, Creator of
WOWbyChar, and University of Washington Student.
On August 28, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stood behind a podium at the Lincoln Memorial and delivered his infamous “I have a dream” speech. Although the stage was graced by the greatest culture shifters in history, many were left out. For example, none of the official speeches were delivered by women. However, in 2021 such has changed, while many of the issues concerning voting rights remain the same.
In elementary school, one of my favorite movies was “Our Friend Martin”. It was an animated film about a Black youth who travels back in time to accompany Dr. King in his efforts to desegregate the South. In one scene, the boy attends the March on Washington. I recall being intrigued by the innumerous youth who traveled across the country to our nation's capital to denoun unjust voting rights laws. Fifty-eight years later, I stood where my ancestors fought and, unfortunately, continued the fight for voting rights.
What Were Some Take-Aways From March On for Voting Rights 2021?
Many protestors and speakers believe it’s unlikely that, in the Senate, Republicans will join with Democrats regarding voting rights legislation, they seek to see the elimination of the filibuster. A filibuster is the Senate's ability to block legislation. It’s how legislation dies in the Senate. A filibuster consists of tactics used to prolong or block legislation from coming to a vote.
How is a filibuster conducted?
A filibuster is conducted once a coalition of 41 Senators block voting efforts, denies debates regarding legislation and other proposals. A filibuster is ended once 60-votes towards the offered legislation is passed.
Who were some speakers and performers at the rally?
Some speakers include, but weren’t limited to: Tamika Mallery (Freedom United), Rev. William J. Barber Jr. (joined by The Poor People’s Campaign), and Deborah Watts (Cousin of Emmett Till).
Songstress: Bryan Courtney Wilson and J.J. Hairston