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City to provide recreation drop-in centers for school-age children

City to provide recreation drop-in centers for school-age children in response to teachers strike and delayed school start

Eight community centers will serve students kindergarten through sixth grade (ages 5-12)

Seattle (September 7) – The City of Seattle is providing a range of services to support parents and families in response to Tuesday’s announcement from Seattle Public Schools (SPS) that the start to the 2022-2023 school year will be delayed. Seattle Parks and Recreation (SPR), in partnership with the Associated Recreation Council (ARC) will offer Recreation Activity Hubs at eight designated community centers starting on Monday, September 12. Students in kindergarten through sixth grade will have access to free recreational programs and activities, and families will be able to register online starting Thursday, September 8. “With the start of the school year delayed, the City of Seattle is activating community centers to serve as recreation drop-in locations – providing stability and safety that we know students need after two years of pandemic disruption,” said Mayor Harrell. “We encourage teachers and the school district to urgently reach a just and fair resolution that centers our students and prioritizes their education and future.”

Recreation Activity Hubs

Recreation Division will offer Recreation Activity Hubs

Starting – Monday, September 12

  • Hours of operation will be 9:00am to 5:30pm at designated centers

  • Age group 5-12 (school age)

  • 8 designated community centers

  • Offering free recreational programs and activities

  • Families will be able to register online via ActiveNet starting Thursday, Sept 8th

Below is the list of designated community centers:

Recreation Activity Hubs


Alki Community Center


Ballard Community Center


Bitter Lake Community Center


Jefferson Community Center

Beacon Hill/SE

Rainier Beach Community Center


Montlake Community Center


High Point Community Center


Meadowbrook Community Center


There will be impact with Fall programs/classes at the 8 centers (*ex: LLR, Spec Programs will be postponed). School-age Care program update

Seattle Parks and Recreation/Associated Recreation Council School-age Care will operate during afterschool hours for currently registered participants September 7-9. Program hours are 2:30-6pm at the following locations:

  • Alki CC

  • Ballard CC

  • Bitter Lake Annex

  • Genesee Hill ES

  • Jefferson CC

  • John Muir ES

  • John Rogers ES

  • Lafayette ES

  • Magnolia @ Blaine K-8

  • McGilvra ES

  • Northgate CC

  • Rainier Beach CC

  • Thornton Creek ES

  • Wedgwood ES

  • Van Asselt CC

Families who participate in the City’s Child Care Assistance Program and already have a child care provider for before- or after-school care will automatically receive additional subsidies to cover full-day care, should their provider have space during school hours.

Families enrolled in before or after school child care with an SPS partner should look for messaging directly from their child care provider about their capacity to serve students. Find the full list of SPS child care partners here.

If you are not currently enrolled in childcare, please visit the Child Care Resources website or call 1-800-446-1114; they maintain lists of all licensed childcare providers in Seattle and can help you identify options.


Southwest and Meadowbrook Teen Life Centers will be open from 11:00am to 8:00pm for drop-in programs on Wednesday, Sept 7th and Thursday, Sept 8th.


Seattle Preschool Program (SPP) sites operated by SPS are scheduled to begin next Monday, September 12. If the strike persists into next week, the start of these programs could be delayed. SPS preschool families looking for care are encouraged to reach out to the Child Care Aware hotline at 1-800-446-1114 to receive information on licensed child care programs in the city that have open space to provide drop-in care.

SPP sites operated by community organizations, including those at SPR sites, will open as scheduled.

Community Programs

The Boys & Girls Club of King County will offer free full-day programming (8 a.m. to 6 p.m.) this week at select locations for families who are already enrolled in their programs. Families are encouraged to contact individual sites for more information.

Seattle families enrolled in the YMCA of Greater Seattle’s Before and After School Enrichment (BASE) program will receive information about full-day care options available for their students through the Y’s direct email system.


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