Burien, WA—The Burien City Council adopted Ordinance 783, extending Burien’s eviction moratorium through January 15, 2022. The purpose of the extension is to give both landlords and tenants more time to access rent assistance and for that financial aid to be distributed.
“The City Council voted unanimously to extend the eviction moratorium because we know it’s important to keep people housed during our current public health crisis,” said Burien Mayor Jimmy Matta.
Rent and utility assistance available
The City Council created an emergency rent and utility assistance fund for Burien residents experiencing financial impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic earlier this year. Burien community members also have access to King County’s rental assistance funding. Help is available in multiple languages from King County, Catholic Community Services, and Multi-Service Center.
Burien residents can apply for the City of Burien’s COVID-19 Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance Fund by contacting one of the following organizations:
Catholic Community Services: Call the CCS Intake Line (253) 850-2523 Monday–Friday, 8:30–4:30 p.m.
Multi-Service Center: Visit the Multi-Service Center website to fill out the application. You will receive a follow-up telephone call after submitting your application.
“It is important for people to apply now for rent and utility assistance,” said Colleen Brandt-Schluter, City of Burien Human Services Manager. “Please do not wait for the eviction moratorium to end.”
More information
City of Burien COVID-19 Emergency Rent and Utility Assistance (burienwa.gov/rent-assist)
King County Eviction Prevention and Rental Assistance Program
King County Bar Association Eviction Legal Help
Eviction Law in Washington State (City of Burien website)
Renting in Burien Information and Resources (burienwa.gov/renting)
About the City of Burien
The City of Burien is a vibrant and creative community, where the residents embrace diversity, celebrate arts and culture, promote vitality, and treasure the environment. For more information, visit burienwa.gov.