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In Loving Memory of Denise Lucinda Clay

Denise Lucinda Clay was born on March 2, 1960 to Robert and Delta Burns. Denise was the last of 8 children born to them. Born in Seattle but relocated to Los Angeles California at the age of 3 years old. She finished growing up there graduated from Carson High School and went on to attend Marciano Cosmetology school.

Denise affectionally known called Niece by her friends and family became a strong young lady. In 1988 she met Tyrone Clay and Married in 1991. They had 2 children Tanisha and Anthony and a wonderful Grandson Anthony Romeo. She was a loyal person and extremely independent and like her Mother Delta only knew tough love. Her children will tell you that she never said I’m sorry, but they knew what she meant.

Denise leaves behind her husband Tyrone, Children and grandson and 7 siblings, Larry, Karen, Freda Marilyn, Robert, Cheryl, and Kevin


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