Helen Faye Bonds
September 7, 1944 - October 5, 2021
It is with humble acceptance of the Lord's will that we announce that Helen Faye Bonds has gone home to be with our Lord and Savior. Our beloved passed away peacefully at home, on Tuesday, October 5, 202 l, in Houston, TX with her dedicated husband, Stephen Bonds, Sr. and their daughter, Raeshawna Hurd, by her side. Our dearly departed will be missed by many.
Family and friends are invited to celebrate her life at 12 Noon, on Saturday, October 23, 2021, at the St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1554 Gears Rd, Houston, TX 77067. The service will be live streamed via Facebook at 10am PST /l 2 Noon CST from St. Paul A.M.E. Church Greenspoint.
https://www.facebook.com/St-Paul-AMEÂChurch-at-Greenspoint-l 038513949277 48/.
In lieu of flowers, donations to Alzheimer's Association Research can be made in memorial or honor of Helen Bonds http:/ /act.alz.orq/goto/Helen Bonds.