Pauline McCurdy was born September 21, 1934, to the late Jefferson Davis Smith and Elliott Mae Smith, in McDonough, Georgia. She passed away peacefully on September 6, 2022. She was the second of three children, brother Willie James, who preceded her in death, and sister Tresha Shaw.

Pauline spent her formative years in McDonough, where she graduated from high school. Following graduation, she attended Tuskegee University in Alabama. She would later relocate to Seattle to live with her Aunt and Uncle, who she affectionately called, Uncle Thedo and Aunt Nannie. She would later attend, Edison Technical College and receive a certificate of excellence in tailoring.
Not long after, she met and would later marry, Robert H. McCurdy. He preceded her in death in 2013, after 57 years of marriage. From this union were born daughters Lisa McCurdy and Susan (Lynn) Mitchell. She enjoyed her life as a homemaker and stay-at-home mom.
Pauline was a long-time, active member of Prospect Congregational Church. She touched the lives of so many with her unwavering compassion towards others and loyalty to family and friends. She enjoyed anything that involved yard work and gardening, sewing, puzzles, and entertaining family and friends (even tense discussions about local news, politics, and social justice). At home, she had an open door policy, just drop by.
She is survived by daughters; Lisa McCurdy and Lynn Mitchell; sister Tresha Shaw and sister-in-law Theodosia Smith; grandchildren Solynn McCurdy, Jai McCurdy, and Nia McCurdy and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, family, and friends.
And I'm so glad Joanne Malone who has never met me and doesn't even know me put that s*** in my mom's obituary comment cuz that is what motivated me to tell my truth and I'm telling my truth to everybody when strangers attack you based on hearsay cuz you don't know me Malone but thank you so much you don't know me but you are the motivation I needed to tell my truth and I'm going to continue to tell my truth everybody's going to know what really went on in that household thank you so much talking about the fake ass phony ones that would be you thank you so much you just wanted to start some mess…
Lynn Mitchell is not their daughter. stop claiming me liars. you let Linda Johnson coats and Christine Holmes Mason put a gun in my mouth and still welcome them into the house. Lisa's even friends with Philip Morrow who set it all up. The nerve of you to claim me as your daughter. According to Bernice price Cameron you're not my mother. that's what Bernice said. you're not my mother. I was named after a woman named Susan. that's what Bernice told me. Stop obsessing over me and stop claiming me. I don't claim you. haven't seen you all in over 30 years. What the hell you claiming me for, cuz I don't claim you.