“Papa Ron”
November 26th 1939 - August 7th 2021
Ron was a wonderful loving husband to Barbara and a lovely caring brother to Patty Robinson and daughters Karen, Connie, Chrissy and Marie Zemek, Angela, Michelle and, Cynthia McNeair; sons Bobby Zemek, Wesley Black, Sr., and Danny McNeair. Ron dedicated his life to his Grandchildren Wesley, Jr., Jermaine, Matrell and Romello Black; Anthony, Wilbert, Travis, Hykeem, Toni and Deechelle McNeair; Dakota Zemek, Roxanne Scott, Mylashia Weems, Jamillah Blakley, Shawndreka Pleasant and Shantea Anderson, David, Dana, Deangelo McNeair with a host of Great Grandchildren; Nephews and Nieces.
Ron was a Public Accountant, he loved Youth Services and Customer Service.
“The Pillar” of our family Papa Ron humble, peaceful and giving spirit will be dearly missed, he had a heart of gold. Papa Ron was someone you could depend on, he was always there for his family.
Thank you family and friends for all your support and love.
We appreciate the service’s of Bonney Watson and The Facts Newspaper.