King County Emergency Management participates in National Preparedness Month to encourage residents to plan for disasters

As part of a campaign for National Preparedness Month this September, King County encourages residents to prepare for all regional hazards, from floods and winter storms to wildfires and extreme heat.
King County continues to respond to the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and ongoing racial injustice, but other potential hazards won’t take a break while we do so. The risk of other hazards such as earthquakes, flooding, and severe weather still looms large. And while families are doing their part to protect the community by socially distancing, wearing masks, and staying home, King County Emergency Management is participating in National Preparedness month to encourage residents to prepare for other disasters by creating a plan, building a kit, and supporting their community.
Governments recognize National Preparedness Month each September to encourage families and communities to plan for disaster now and throughout the year. This year, King County will focus on digital engagement through social media, online training, and the launch of their new Instagram page.
“We realize that families have a lot going on, so we are simplifying disaster readiness by providing easy-to-do tips and short online trainings for the whole family,” explains Brendan McCluskey, director of King County Emergency Management. “We want National Preparedness Month to add value for everyone who lives and works in King County, and we are excited for the outreach we have planned.”
Family and community preparedness takes many forms depending on the situation and hazard, but King County Emergency Management continues to encourage simple personal preparedness tips:
Make a plan on how you will communicate with your loved ones.
Build an emergency kit that includes, food, water, and specialized items for your family.
Connect with your community.
For more information on King County’s involvement in National Preparedness Month, online preparedness training, and how to get prepared at home visit and follow King County social media @kingcountywa (Twitter and Facebook) and @KingCountyOEM (Instagram).