Ok seniors, time to get to work. We are about to turn your green and white Voters' Pamphlet into a handy shortcut so that we can quickly fill in our ballots, sign the envelope and return them early. You will need your Voters' Pamphlet, a good pen and if you are like me, reading glasses. We will cover Federal elections, State elections, and judges.
FEDERAL ELECTIONS: Turn to page 28. Circle Biden
Page 34, circle U.S. Rep. Jayapal District 7, she has repeatedly stood up for us in D.C.
Page 36, circle U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, I've met with him regarding seniors' issues and he has been fully supportive.
STATEWIDE ELECTIONS: page 40 Governor. Circle Inslee. He is good, we need his experience.
Page 42 Lt. Governor. I like Marko Liias. He is currently a Senator and the Lt. Governor is the Senate President. Good experience.
Page 43 Secretary of State, circle Kim Wyman. This job is in charge of our election process. Wyman has done great job for us since 2013. Wrong time to switch head of elections.
Page 44 State Treasurer, your choice. The Republican Davidson has been in office since 2016. The democrat Pellicciotti has an excellent background, he is currently a State Rep. and on the House Capital Budget Committee.
Page 45 State Auditor, circle Pat McCarthy
Page 46 Attorney General circle Bob Ferguson. We are so lucky to have him. Do you know how often he has taken on Trump and won? Circle Ferguson.
Page 47, Franz for Commissioner of Public Lands, she is doing great
Page 48 circle the incumbent, REYKDAL; Page 49 circle the incumbent Kreidler
STATE SENATE and HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: You will only have the candidate from your district listed on your ballot. So I will list those I have met with and who are supportive of seniors: "D" stands for District, ok?
D11 Senator Hasegawa; Hackney is running for D11 Rep, he is African-American, has a law degree from Harvard. Berquist is good for seniors, he listens. Circle all three.
D33 Tina Orwall is good for seniors and veterans. Mia Gregerson is great for seniors
D34 Circle Eileen Cody she is great for seniors, she is a nurse
D37 Sharon Tomiko Santos is great for seniors and people of color. I've heard good things about Chukundi Salisbury who is running for Pettigrew's Representative Position. Circle both.
D43 Nicole Macri is great for seniors. She is the Deputy Director of Downtown Emergency Service Center dealing with homelessness and disabilities.
JUDGES: There are twelve qualified people running for eight judicial positions. Only one is an African-American. In her statement, page 71, Justice G. Helen Whitener states "I have 21 years of legal experience and I am asking for your vote and continued support." We can do that.