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MLK Jr. Rally and March at Garfield high School, Monday, January 17th

Photo by: Susan Fried

The Annual MLK JR. March and Rally will take place beginning at 11:00 am. on this coming Monday morning, January 17th at Garfield High School.

PLEASE REMEMBER that the Seattle/Martin Luther King JR. County Organizing Coalition, as always desires that as many people as possible join us FOR THE 39TH STRAIGHT YEAR that we are hosting a community salute and tribute to MLK Jr.’s marvelous effort to bring about racial and economic justice for ALL PEOPLE in the United States.

Every year thousands of grassroots people attend our event. Like in the past, this year’s Rally and March will be held at Garfield High School (23rd and Jefferson Street, Seattle).

No other city’s grassroots community organizers can match our record of achievement. That is, no other city has put together such a tribute to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 39 years in a role. Help us keep up this great tradition by joining us at this year’s celebration.

REMEMBER Y’ALL, no other citizenry from any city in our country, has been as able as Seattle’s activist—especially it’s black, other people of color and progressive white community leaders—in attracting thousands of folks from all walks of life to come together EVERY YEAR to pay tribute to Dr. king’s legacy.

The focus of our celebration of Dr. King’s leadership of this country’s monumental civil and human rights movement is centered every year on workshops around important issues dealing with racism, economic and gender inequality and other inequities facing our community Locally and/or Nationally. This year is no exception, our theme is, “TRUTH IN EDUCATION, NOW !” Our “Organizing Coalition” is asking folks to join us as we discuss ways our community can better resist and struggle against right-wing attacks on us locally getting our teachers to teach the “truth“ about Black History and we also plan to discuss how we might end all the “lies“ Republicans and other racist conservatives are spreading about the 2020 Presidential election being stolen from Donald Trump.

Finally, because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, our people’s rally, like last year’s, will be held outside in the parking lot in front of Garfield High School and we are, again asking everyone to wear a mask. For those who forget, we’ll have plenty of mask available to pass out to you at Garfield on Monday. We will also, due to the pandemic, have reduced numbers of workshops—all of them this year will be on zoom. For information on when and on workshops for y’all to attend, to find out about which will be held during the days BEFORE Monday, email us at:

Larry Gossett,-MLK JR. Organizing Coalition


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