OK SENIORS, WE ARE MAKING HEADWAY AGAINST CORONAVIRUS. Studies have shown that seniors who receive both shots of the two-shot set are avoiding or living through COVID-19. And we needed some good news. Just this week the U.S. reached 500,000 pandemic dea

ths. That equals more loss of life than the combination of lives lost in WW2, Vietnam and the Korean War. But we will persevere. Wear your mask, get your vaccine and take care of yourselves. As a greater percentage of the population is vaccine protected, death rates will drop and businesses will be able to reopen.
1. HOW CAN I GET VACCINE ASSISTANCE BY TELEPHONE? Right now the very best and most successful way to find an available vaccine is online at www.covidwa.com. You can access this site from your smartphone or computer But if you have no access to the internet, here are telephone contacts.
Phone Assistance Available
If you need language interpretation or can’t use the online Phase Finder tool, the following hotlines are available: WA State COVID-19 Assistance hotline1-800-525-0127 or 1-888-856-5816 (then press #) 6am – 10pm (Monday – Friday), 8am – 6pm (Saturday/Sunday)
King County COVID-19 Call Center 206-477-3977
8am – 7pmFor language interpretation, say your preferred language when connected.
2. THIS MASK WORKS WITH EYEGLASSES: If you wear eyeglasses, you know that just when you least expect it your face mask will cause your eyeglasses to totally fog up. I tried various masks and the best I have found is made by "Chico Bag." This is a two layer fabric mask. The difference is in the under eye contour. Rather than straight across, ear to ear, the Chico Bag mask is cut to go over the nose and down over the cheekbones. The result is a better fit and your glasses won't fog up. The Chico Bag face masks are available at Pharmaca pharmacy for $9.99 or online at www.chicobag.com
3. THE MAYOR'S COMMISSION ON AFRICAN-AMERICAN ELDERS (MCAAE) This commission is the original Seattle watchdog to increase the quality of life for older African-Americans living in their own homes. It was commissioned by Mayor Norm Rice in 1994. This is exactly what we need right now to help guide our seniors through the Coronavirus pandemic. Karen Winston is one of the founders of MCAAE. They are looking for new Commission members. There is no age requirement. Being on this commission is quite an honor. If selected you will be appointed by the Mayor of Seattle. To apply, contact Karen Winston at karen.winston@seattle.gov.