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Ok seniors, in theory, this is the last time we need to scramble to stay ahead of the pandemic. I say in theory because of the three big ifs. If they perfect a vaccine, if it is proven safe and if vaccinated seniors stay alive. So keep the faith and in the meantime here are some survival tips.

GATHERINGS: Particularly right now, getting together with people outside of those living with you is very dangerous for seniors. There is just no way to sugar coat the coronavirus data, people over 60 account for 68% of cases but a whopping 90% of deaths. Studies show that one positive case will on average infect three new people. The latest guidelines suggest gatherings of no more than six people, in an outside location while practicing social distancing of six feet and while wearing a face mask.

WHY THE CLOSURES? The numbers are so much worse now than the last time we went into a closure. In March when Governor Inslee issued his stay-home order there were just 225 confirmed infections. Now watch how fast the COVID-19 cases are growing in Washington:

Nov. 3, 1,469 coronavirus infections; Eleven days later, Nov. 14, 2,286 infections. The new restrictions are a means to keep people from spreading the virus. They went into effect Monday at midnight. So seniors if we want to stay alive, we have to apply the same guidance with which we raised our children. When friends or family invite you to a party or Thanksgiving gathering, even when they say how much they miss you, JUST SAY NO.

REMEMBER ELDRIDGECLEAVER said 'If you are not a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem.' There are thousands of seniors. Think what we can accomplish if we pull together with a plan. So here is a plan, each day at noon, each of us will take a moment to pray or meditate or just wish for healing and a cure for Coronavirus. Think of yourself as a part of a huge force for good. Positive energy and prayer works. Join me, at noon each day.

WHAT ABOUT A CORONAVIRUS VACCINE? There is a lot happening. The Bill Gates Foundation has just announced a $70 million donation to ensure access to and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines in 92 low- and middle-income countries. We have turned the corner, we are no longer asking if a vaccine is possible, we are talking about equitable distribution. Two corporations have announced vaccines with 90% and 95% effectiveness, Phizer and Moderna. That's an incredible achievement. Dr. Fauci is on record saying he would be pleased with a vaccine offering 65% effectiveness. But don't start rolling up your sleeves just yet. The vaccines are being tested locally through a blind study in which half the participants receive a placebo and half one of the new vaccines. Fingers crossed. If this works it could save thousands of lives.

YOU CAN PARTICIPATE IN THE VACCINE TESTING, if you are interested, the University of Washington is seeking volunteers. You won't be able to choose vaccine or placebo but you will be a part of history. Here is the University of Washington website with more information,

Remember, you read about it in the Facts Newspaper


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