Funds will help support 22 tourism efforts state-wide.

SEATTLE — The Port of Seattle announces the 2023 Tourism Marketing Support Program’s (TMSP) 22 selected applications awarded a total of $200,000 in Port funding. The applicants will contribute a total matched fund amount of $123,089. Marketing efforts will include media visits, online digital campaigns, events/cultural attractions, trade shows, and collateral and video production.
“Tourism brings economic benefits to many sectors across Washington State. The Port’s Tourism Marketing Program helps local businesses share what makes Washington great with travelers from around the world — from the symphony to the Salish Sea. It’s essential that these efforts also increase visitors’ appreciation of stewarding the diversity of our region’s natural and cultural wealth which was key to making Washington their destination of choice,” said Seattle Port Commissioner Fred Felleman.
Eligible Washington state organizations include chambers of commerce, convention and visitor bureaus (CVBs), destination marketing organizations (DMOs), counties, cities, port districts, Native American nations, non-profit attractions (museums and cultural interpretive centers) and non-profit organizations which focus on events/activities that attract out-of-state visitors.