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Sound Transit seeks feedback on ORCA LIFT $1 fare pilot

Brief survey requests feedback about potential permanent fare change Earlier this year Sound Transit reduced the one-way ORCA LIFT fare on all Sound Transit services from $1.50 to $1.00 as part of a six-month pilot project. A brief survey and service area-wide public engagement process will gather feedback and help develop a Fare Equity Analysis to support a possible Board decision on making this a permanent fare change. Online survey The public can take the ORCA LIFT $1 Fare Pilot Survey here. The survey is also available in Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Russian, Korean, and both Traditional and Simplified Chinese, which can all be accessed via the main survey page. The Survey is available through December 9. Sound Transit remains committed to working closely with its partners to continue serving the public. Efforts will continue to prioritize serving riders who depend on Sound Transit’s services, including seniors, people with disabilities, Title VI protected populations (race, color, national origin), low-income and limited-English-proficiency populations.


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