Mind & Mouth

The Tug-of-War Between Thoughts and Words
By Chardonnay Beaver – chardonnaybeaver.com
You’ve heard “think before you speak,” but what if we actually think as we speak? Speaking takes mental effort, so our thoughts and words often sync. Yet, we dwell on what we’ll never say, when ironically, we should speak what our mind truly needs to think. Let me explain…
The mind is powerful—what we nurture there grows. Often, our thoughts race ahead, dwelling on things we can't control and distorting our view of ourselves and the world. Many of us feel inferior or unworthy because we've fed ourselves lies that didn’t originate from us.
To combat this, speak the opposite. When you feel small, remind yourself that you were crafted with purpose by God. When fear or rejection resurfaces, speak out that you are deserving of love and care.
Words of Wisdom by Char of The Week: The words that always shift my thoughts come directly from the word of God. What does God say about you? Does it align with what you say and think about yourself and others? Part of “giving yourself grace” is thinking, speaking, and living in truth – and quickly giving those lies in our mind an eviction notice.