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WoW by Char ~ When The Paint Dries

With exactly 60 days left in 2021, what choices will you


Did you know that through the choices you make you

can bring forth incredible realities? The power to choose

is becoming increasingly overshadowed by the pressure

to belong. It is in our human nature to desire to belong.

Belonging is defined as an emotion-driven need to be

accepted by members of a group. With that said,

belonging can be a great experience when we belong to a

group of individuals who support our purpose, not

poison our potential.

With exactly sixty days left in 2021, what choices do you

need to make before you’re singing Auld Lang Syne

watching the Time Square Ball Drop on channel four? In

short, what choices do you need to make before 2022?

Some of those choices may be additive or subtractive.

For example, choosing to stop (subtractive) using that

substance that makes you feel like you belong with a group of friends who aren’t invested in your

healing process. In addition, choosing to apply to that 8 week certification program (addictive) to

help you start that business. What choice can you make today that will make the November 3, 2022

version of you proud?

When it’s all said and done, when the paint dries, will the decisions you made paint a masterpiece

or catastrophe?

Words of Wisdom by Char of The Week: It’s not worth abandoning your destiny to belong. Some

people are more attracted to our brokenness than our healing. Be sure to evaluate the people,

places, and possessions you give your time and energy to. Make choices that will bless generations

after you. Proverbs 18:24


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