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39th Annual Seattle MLK JR Day

A Virtual Pilgrimage

1/12 Tues 12 Noon

Project Pilgrimage presents a virtual journey to increase awareness of historical events that have defined and perpetuated white supremacy in the United States over generations. Our pilgrimage will go to locations which will create historical context, provide opportunities for self-reflection, and explore ideas on how to take action towards the liberation of all people.

Nathan Bean

Felicia Ishina

Project Pilgrimage

White Supremacy Through Violence: Lynching in America, Then and Now

1/12 Tues 5 pm

The year 2020 has allowed us all to bear witness to a disturbing and unavoidable reality, lynching is not a relic of a Jim Crow past. It is a modern form of racial terror. I will examine how lynching sits squarely on a historical continuum of systemic racism and racial othering. I will examine how the recent killings of African Americans force us to confront a sorted past, and work diligently to create a future defined by equity and compassion.

Prof. Terry Scott

The Truth About Hate Groups and Hate Crimes

1/13 Wed 12 Noon

How does the rise in hate groups and hate crimes correlate to the most recent spate of civic unrest over the excessive use of force by police? What do peaceful protesters do when extremists get violent? What do we learn from white supremacists convicted of violent hate crimes? These questions are answered through the narratives of former white supremacists and an analysis of America’s historical response to extremism.

Lonnie Lusardo

Diversity Collaborative

White Supremacy and Democracy: Criminal Justice System

1/13 Wed 5 pm

We will look at this issue from the perspective of its impact on Blacks dealings with the criminal justice system. We will cover how institutional racism impacts Blacks’ intersection with police, jails, courts, legal financial obligations, judges’ decisions, sentencing, parole.

We will discuss—within the perimeters of “white supremacy” the difficulty of revolutionizing this country as long as every institution is infused with racism.

Finally we will envision how a more humane society can be brought about.

Larry Gossett

Prof. Alexes Harris

Reparations: A Community Conversation

1/13 Wed 7 pm

This workshop will address why reparations are necessary for society to move forward as a whole. It addresses how reparations fit into the process of truth and reconciliation and describes models of reparations given in the past and proposed now. It asks: How do we prepare as a society to undergo reparations? How do we become changed by the act of reparations? What is required of those to whom reparations are given for their next generations?

Marcia Arunga

1/14 Thurs noon

14 Demands for Healing Washington

In Process

Rev. Bianca Davis-Lovelace

Poor People’s Campaign

Intersections of Disability and Racism

1/14 Thurs 5 pm

This workshop will be a conversation between two disabled individuals: ChrisTiana ObeySumner, an autistic and multiply disabled Black nonbinary person, will provide perspective of how to move the Black Disabled Lives Matter and disability justice work forward sustainably, effectively, accessibly, and collectively. Elizabeth Ralston, a White accessibility consultant who is deaf and is the Founder of the Seattle Cultural Accessibility Consortium, will discuss the work that is needed within white spaces for moving towards solidarity with disabled BIPOC and how accessibility is a key part of this conversation.

Elizabeth Ralston

ChrisTiana ObeySumner

Shifting the narrative: “Objectivity” and Anti-Racism in Journalism

1/14 Thurs 7 pm

Journalists aim to create and serve a more informed public. But many news outlets perpetuate racist narratives by centering whiteness and not addressing structural inequity in their stories. In this interactive media literacy workshop by RadioActive Youth Media, we’ll discuss the myth of “objectivity” in journalism, rewrite a popular fairy tale, and analyze local news coverage. You’ll leave with five questions you can ask to think critically about any story.

Kelsey Kupferer

KUOW RadioActive

History of Policing in the United States

1/16 Sat 10 am

This workshop will focus on the origins, development and evolving nature ofpolicing in the US, beginning with colonial America through the present day. An emphasis on the quasi-military nature of policing and the increased militarization of the police since 9/11 will be examined, particularly as to how it has negatively impacted police/community relations.

Ron Hallman

Meet the NAACP Youth Council: The Youth Tell the Truth About Racism in Schools!

1/16/Sat noon

Launched exactly three years ago at the 2018 MLK Celebration, the NAACP Youth Council (N-YC) has been working to change the reality of racial injustice in districts across the Pacific Northwest. At this workshop, N-YC leaders will unveil their list of demands for 2021, and share their progress on initiatives, including expanding Black Lives Matter at School, youth representation on the Seattle School Boards, and police-free schools. Those attending will learn about these initiatives and how they can support N-YC in making their demands a reality.

Jon Greenberg

NAACP Youth Council

Strategies for Community Healing

1/16 Sat 2 pm

Panel in formation

Alternatives to Policing - Cuban Model

1/16 Sat 4 p.m.

This workshop will look at how policing in Cuba looked like before and after the Cuban revolution. We will frame the presentation and discussion on what is the connection between the Cuban revolution and policing and the current movement in the US to defund/dismantle policing and what is possible now and in the future given the example of Cuba.

Cindy Domingo

Workshop in formation


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