The congregation of Mount Zion Baptist church invites you to come out and hear the invitational sermon, brought by the Senior Pastor candidate. The scheduled visit was announced Sunday, but the message was not allowed to air during the virtual services, so for those who missed the announcement, the schedule is as follows:: Friday, June 9th, 6pm - There will be a virtual introduction of the candidate by the committee. This introduction will highlight the candidate’s attributes and his fit for MZBC. Saturday, June 10th, 10am - The candidate will be introduced to the members of Mount Zion, and the candidate will meet the members. Sunday, June 11th, 11am - The public is invited to meet and hear the candidate for the Senior Pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church. We look forward to welcoming our visitors on Sunday, June 11th, at 10am for worship service with our candidate for Senior Pastor. We look forward to seeing you all then