OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Ecology has identified numerous areas across the state to include in a new environmental justice initiative focused on reducing air pollution.
The initiative seeks to reduce pollution from carbon monoxide, lead, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, particle pollution, and sulfur dioxide – substances collectively called “criteria” air pollutants that are known to harm human health and the environment.
Under the landmark Climate Commitment Act passed in 2021, Ecology is required to identify areas where people are vulnerable to health and environmental inequities, and are also highly impacted by criteria air pollution. The law directs Ecology to expand air monitoring in these places and develop strategies to reduce the pollution over the coming years.
"The Climate Commitment Act isn't just aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions – it seeks to reduce the air pollution that impacts many Washington communities,” said Laura Watson, Ecology’s director. “Building healthier communities in our state begins with identifying the people and places that face the highest levels of these pollutants today, and then expanding our air quality monitoring network in these areas."
Ecology identified places highly impacted by criteria air pollution using a combination of existing air quality data, demographic and health data, and input from residents and community organizations. Because of this mix of factors, the areas may overlap typical community boundaries:
George and West Grant County
South King County
Moxee Valley
Northeast Puyallup
North Seattle and Shoreline
South Seattle
Spokane and Spokane Valley
South and East Tacoma
Tri-Cities to Wallula
Wenatchee and East Wenatchee
East Yakima
Lower Yakima Valley
The places are a mix of urban, suburban, and rural. They range vastly in area from less than 3 square miles to 173 square miles. They also vary greatly by population, from about 1,500 to more than 200,000 people, representing many neighborhoods, communities, and towns. Ecology continues to consult with Tribal governments to determine which Tribal communities should be added to this work.
While this initiative is aligned to the provisions in the Climate Commitment Act, Ecology continuously works with the EPA, Tribes, and local clean air agencies to monitor and protect air quality for all Washingtonians through many additional core functions and grant programs.
More Information
Focus on: Improving Air Quality in Overburdened Communities, March 2023
Webpage: Improving air quality in overburdened communities