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For many, March represents basketball mania (because of March Madness) or the beginning of a new season (Spring) or even St. Patrick's Day. However, March is also Women’s History Month. When discussing the mobilization of women throughout American history, there has always been a lack of racial cognizance. For example, consider the women's suffrage movement (1840-1920); and after the murder of

Breonna Taylor last March, where were the feminist? Did they ever coordinate with Black Lives Matter organizers?

In short, feminism has inadvertently disregarded the oppression of Black women because it centers one form of identity-gender-and dismisses others like race, class, and sexuality.

For that reason, Black feminism was created. Black feminism―also known as womanism― declares that Black women battle against multiple forms of oppression. For instance, Black women fight against the misogyny of white and Black men, as well as the racism of white men and women. Forming alliances outside of the Black community, decentralizing narratives about gender-based leadership, and denouncing debilitating images of Black women are instrumental within womanist practices. All in all, you don't have to be a woman to become a


To learn more, check-out these resources

Women, Race, and Class by Angela Davis

Intersectionality (theory) Kimberly Crenshaw

"Part of what existence means to me is knowing the distance between what I am now and what I was then."—Alice Walker, In Search of Our Mothers Gardens

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie - The Danger of the Single Story (T.E.D. Talk video)

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