Rev. Dr. Lance D. Watson will deliver the Installation Message

On October 21, 2023 at 10am, Mount Zion will install its 25th Senior Pastor, Rev. Dr. Paris Lee Smith, Sr., and you are all invited to share in this joyous celebration. The esteemed Rev. Dr. Lance D. Watson, Senior Pastor of Saint Paul’s Baptist Church of Richmond, Virginia will bring the Installation Message. Rev. Dr. Lance D. Watson, a native of Detroit, Michigan, is a gifted communicator and pastor. Dr. Watson is a Magna Cum Laude graduate of Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology at Virginia Union where he holds a Master of Divinity. An alum of United Theological Seminary, he earned the Doctorate of Ministry. Dr. Watson is an accomplished individual who holds numerous community awards, and is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. A fierce proponent of spiritual and economic development. His church, Saint Paul Baptist, has acquired 330 acres of land as part of a plan to construct , “The City of Possibility”, a master planned community. Please join us on Saturday, October 21st, at 10am, Mount Zion Baptist Church, 1634 Rev. Dr. Samuel Berry McKinney Ave., to join in this momentous occasion