Here’s the key perspective to finding hope in seasons of hopelessness

Every storm runs out of rain.
Such a simple concept, yet tricky to remember amid the storm. Growing-up in Seattle, I was well acquainted with rain and, at its worst, rainstorms. One of the worst feelings is walking through a rainstorm with your clothes completely drenched. Everything is wet and uncomfortability is an understatement.
This storm is an illustration of the season of life some of us are enduring… a complete stormy mess!
Whether you’re in a season of drought, where your life needs to be refreshed, or a season of rain, you get to decide the how you endure. The key to suffering is understanding that it serves a greater purpose.
Without the drought, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the transition. Without the storm, I wouldn't be able to appreciate the sunshine. Within this paradox lies hope for the hopeless.
Every drought does end. Every storm runs out of rain.
Time has not allowed me to be so far removed from my stormy seasons. Last year I experienced some of the greatest storms of my life, thus far. Grief, transition, injuries, and other experiences felt like a storm with an infinite supply of rain. I remember praying for a breakthrough, some sort of relief, not just for myself but those around me.
In 2022 it was easy to confuse the rainstorm with the actual tears I cried. In 2023, I recognize those tears have been used to water a greater harvest. I’m compelled to be fruitful and productive in ways I’ve never been before.
Words of Wisdom by Char of the Week: Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of joy – Psalm 126:5