To be considered for potential processing toward status as an “Unidentified Casual” longshore worker in the Port of Seattle, WA, all public applicants must complete the Online Application at The Online Application requires that each applicant provide the applicant’s first and last names, (middle name is not required but recommended if there is one), mailing address, telephone number with Area Code, month of birth, numerical day of birth and a valid email address. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Phone calls regarding the process will not be accepted and any in-person or written applications submitted through the U.S. Postal Service will not be accepted. Applications can be submitted online beginning 8:00 a.m., PDT, on September 8, 2022. Applicants will be sent an email confirming submission of their application.
On or about September 26, 2022, a drawing will be held from a combination of timely received public applications and “Interest Card” applications. If the number of timely public applications received exceeds that of the timely Interest Card applications received, a preliminary drawing will be held just among the public applications to collect a number equal to the amount of Interest Card applications. To be eligible for consideration, public applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 p.m., PDT, September 15, 2022. A sequenced list of those selected for processing will be posted for 30 days at WWW.PMANET.ORG. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license with photograph, have no disqualifying convictions, have a sufficient knowledge of English to speak and understand written and verbal safety warnings in English, and be eligible to work in the U.S. Those selected for processing will be advised of additional requirements. Only one application per person. Anyone attempting to submit more than one application (of any type) will be disqualified. Those submitting an Interest Card application may not submit a public application as described here. Duplication, sale or trade for value of an Interest Card or Interest Card code is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification of the applicant as well as discipline and punishment of the seller or trader, up to and including possible deregistration or termination of longshore employment and dispatch privileges. There is no fee or charge for applying. No money should be paid to any person or organization related to this recruitment program. Casual longshore workers are not eligible to receive benefits provided under the collective bargaining agreement only to registered workers (for example, health insurance, pensions, holiday pay, vacation pay). There is no guarantee of casual processing, employment, continued employment, or advancement; casual work is sporadic and never guaranteed, but casuals must nonetheless work sufficient available hours to retain longshore dispatch privileges.
A TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential) is required by the Department of Homeland Security to enter all marine facilities. Applicants are urged to promptly familiarize themselves with TWIC application requirements: and 1-866-347-8371 are resources (not PMA, ILWU, or the Joint Port Labor Relations Committee/JPLRC).
Submitting an application does not guarantee processing or employment in the longshore industry. The procedures by which longshore processing and employment may be offered can be changed at any time and without notice at the discretion of the joint parties to the governing collective bargaining agreement.
Applicants are responsible for keeping the JPLRC advised of their current contact information. All contact information updates must be made in writing. Please send all contact information updates to: Seattle JPLRC – Casual Processing, P.O. Box 9348, Seattle, WA 98109-0348. Any disputes or claims about any aspect of this casual process are subject to the collective bargaining agreement and its grievance procedures, must be in writing and must be received by the JPLRC (Seattle JPLRC – Casual Processing Grievance, P.O. Box 9348, Seattle, WA 98109-0348) within ten (10) days of the source of the complaint. No extensions. JPLRC decisions on grievances are final and binding. PMA member companie
