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Remarkably Mundane

Don’t undermine ordinary chapters

WOW By Chardonnay Beaver

Mundane • the ordinary, everyday, usual matters.

One of the greatest gifts God gives us is chance. Not by chance, as in coincidence. Chance, as in opportunity, unanticipated possibility, refreshed hopes. 

If we’re not careful we’ll miss the remarkable beauty in the mundane.

Recently, I’ve been working on a couple independent projects and it’s made my life very quiet, and my time very selective. Morning-after-morning, evening-after-evening I’ve been working at improving the state of these projects. Early- on in developing these projects I sacrificed lunch with friends, time with family, and simple enjoyments. 

Sometimes the mundane can feel like a burden when you lack balance. What caused me to reassess my pursuits was stepping back completely. In stepping back, I was empowered to re-approach everything in a new way. 

We can’t control the mundane. We can’t control the day-to-day obligations. We can’t control the unexpected. However, no matter where you go, or how things go, you are the common denominator. You are the individual navigating this experience called life. 

There are measures we can take to ensure we honor the mundane. I recognized that in order to serve the mundane I have to create moments for the extraordinary. First, my expectations. Second, in my heart posture. 

Don’t expect extraordinary when you aren’t serving the mundane. Are you verbalizing gratitude? Are you intentionally showing-up for others? Are you addressing the matters you’ve put off? Did you complete the last thing you started? 

I learned not to ask God “what’s next?” without mastering what’s now.

Words of Wisdom by Char of the Week: When evaluating your frustrations, consider what role service plays in your life. Service may not look like volunteering at your local food bank. Service may look like how you prioritize time with your family, like calling your relatives more often and setting aside time to celebrate those around you. Your life isn’t all about you. The time we have on earth is borrowed. Philippians 2:3-8


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