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It had all the makings of a massive rivalry game between two high schools. Fans packed the seats, high school students packed the student stands and there was plenty of music, cheering, jeering and food . Oh, was there food. Burgers, fries, sausages, pop, candy, and ice cream. It was a sun-bleached day and there were hundreds of fans. What else would you expect when attending the biggest the rivalry match in Zimbabwe sports.

Yup this game of the week was between St. Johns and St. Georges. Two of the biggest rugby dynasties in Zimbabwe. The annual vent was televised on you tube, alumni from both sides were on hand and as one can imagine Harare was divided . Harare is the capitol city of Zimbabwe. Comparison is not good but indulge me if you will. Imagine the annual Garfield vs Beach sporting event. Basketball is the foremost example that comes to mind. What was different here was that it was outside on a hot day. So, imagine the heated rivalry between the Bulldogs and Vikings in football with umpteen fans with music, barbequing, bands and cheerleaders hooting and hollering about how there team is better than yours.

Soccer is big in Zimbabwe and most of Africa for the most part Rugby is a close second or just behind soccer in interest. And while we are at it did you know Rugby is coming to the United States. It is already here in some small fashion but in 2031 and 2033 the good old USA will host the Men’s ( 2031) and Women’s ( 2033)World Cup in Rugby. And before that be reminded that the Olympics will be in LA in 2028. So okay thanks for the global lesson you say what about the high school rugby match you ask?

Well, it was grand. St. Georges won the Junior Varsity Division and got pummeled in the Varsity match. So, what’s all the hubby about you ask. Because this proud uncle got to see his nephew dominate the Junior Varsity Division! Dude is just 14-year-old. He suited up for the Varsity game but did not get any minutes. Part of it is because of his age. They try to save the youngsters until they are 15. So, you see high school sprots is high school sports. No matter what part of the world we are in. It unites families, friends, administrator and the community.


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